Instructions for a Carroll County Warrant Search
Performing a Carroll County warrant search is a must if you want to ensure that people involved in your life have no criminal history that may put you in unnecessary danger. In this article, we will demonstrate how to do such a search and how to check if a person has ever been incarcerated by the police.
Where can you find information on Carroll County warrants?
The obvious place to begin your Carroll County warrant search is the sheriff office. They don't have an online database that presents arrest orders issued by the court. So you will have to submit an open record request.
The request should be sent to smilam@carrollsheriff.com. For more explanations on this procedure, call the Records Clerk at 770-830-5916.
How can the court assist you?
The Clerk of Court is also a recommended source for a Carroll County warrant search. Go to his website (https://www.carrollcountyclerk.com/) and click "Case Management" on the left bar. It will get you to an online search tool that displays criminal records by either a party name or case number. For more details, dial 770-830-5931.
Running a statewide search
To run a broader inquiry that will help you find Georgia warrants use the felon search tool (link appears below) operated by the GTA. It will allow you (for a fee of 15 dollars pay search) to check the criminal history of any person that is important to you. The data comes from the GA Bureau of Investigation.
How can you inquire about a person's arrest history?
To find Carroll County arrest records use the jail population report on the sheriff's website. It shows current inmates: their personal details, booking date and bond amount.
For a broader Georgia inmate search, we recommend utilizing the online offender search tool operated by the GA Department of corrections (See link below). It covers all of the state's prisons.
This website's criminal history inquiry tool
You can carry out a Carroll County warrant search from the comfort of your computer at home or your smartphone. The search tool this website operates enables you to reveal any person's criminal history by just typing his or her name. You will get a background check report showing arrest warrants, jail and prison records, police records, conviction records and any criminal docket issued by the court.
The data is accurate and up-to-date. Confidentiality is guaranteed. The fee for this excellent service is very low.
Relevant links:
1) To find Carroll County warrants, go to the sheriff website at http://carrollsheriff.info/index.php or to the website of the Clerk of Court at https://www.carrollcountyclerk.com/
2) To do a Georgia inmate search go to the GDC's website at http://www.dcor.state.ga.us/GDC/Offender/Query
3) The state's felon search tool is found on https://gta.georgia.gov/georgia-felon-search