What You Need to Know to Perform a Lowndes County Warrant Search
To find out if people around you have unresolved issues with the law, you will need to carry out a Lowndes County warrant search. The following lines will show how it can be done. You will also learn how to access jail records so as to be able to do a full background check.
Where can you inquire about Lowndes County warrants?
The sheriff office is responsible for executing arrest orders issued by the court. Therefore, it will make sense to approach them if you are interested in doing a Lowndes County warrant search. Your best option is to file a record request. You can download a special form on their website (https://www.lowndescounty.com/159/Sheriffs-Office).
As written on the form, after filling in the relevant details of your request, you can email it to sorecords@lowndescounty.com, fax it to 229-333-5141 or send it to 120 Prison Farm Road, Valdosta, Georgia 31601. It will take the sheriff's staff 3 days to deal with your request.
Alternatively, you can run a Lowndes County warrant search by turning to the Clerk of the Superior Court. To ask for copies of criminal records, dial 229-333-5127.
Performing an arrest search
To access Lowndes County jail records refer to the online current inmate list on the sheriff website. Click on "Jail" on the upper bar and you will find a link to the list. The list includes details about the inmate's offenses and bond.
Using the state's criminal databases
There are two larger databases you can turn to for a statewide criminal background check:
1) The GA felon search will enable you to inquire about a person's criminal history in all of the state's counties. You will be able to obtain information on Georgia warrants. Be advised, every name searched requires a fee of $15.
2) The offender search tool managed by the GA Department of Corrections will enable you to carry out a full online Georgia inmate search and view the state's prison records.
This website's advanced background check tool
The most convenient and cost-effective way of doing a Lowndes County warrant search is to use the inquiry tool georgiawarrantsearch.com offers. Type the name of the person you wish to check and you will get an extensive criminal history report detailing this person's prior arrests and convictions and any outstanding warrant issued against him or her.
The information is accurate and updated. All searches are secure and anonymous. The fee for this service is exceptionally low.